"Oh, The Places You'll Go!"
From left: Tops from the Gap, Peko 1988, vintage, and Nolita.
"Let's Get Lost"
"The Captain Has Turned Off The Seatbelt Sign"
Musette inquires as to how this worker bee manages to keep it all together in the air and on land.
Sum up your personal style in three words.
Ecclectic I guess.
Who are your style icons?
My sister Molly. Guillermo Gomez-Pena. Punky Brewster.
In my opinion, people I know personally and don't have a stylist are the most original.With the exception of Punky of course, who I only know on a spiritual level.
You travel a lot for work, what is your ideal plane outfit?
My ideal outfit would be one of those zip-up polar-fleece suits. But since I wouldn't get through security with that on just some comfy pants and a top that involves a hood of some kind. I like to transform into a cocoon on long flights.
If they lost your bag in transit what would you be most lost to go without?
I worry about that possibility so I usually pack my favorite things in a carry on.
Darn those TSA guidelines! What wee items do you bundle into your transparent baggie?
Facesoap, moisturizer, toothpaste, small face-cloth, hand sanitizer, Origins moisturizing face mask.
I've caught you on holiday, what do you like to wear most on the cobblestone streets of Nantucket?
All things madras! Just jokes, at this time of year, anything light-weight and comfortable.
How about reading material-what do you like to curl up with on holiday?
On the plane I catch-up on magazine reading which I never seem to have a chance to do at home. Harper's and Cabinet are my favorites.
Cute carry-on. What usually is in that bag of tricks?
Laptop, reading materials, ipod, something warm to put on in case the person next to me is a fan of the overhead AC!
Adrien Brody just called and wants to hang out in the flight lounge! What are you going to wear?!
I'd probably ask him if I could just borrow some of his clothes from The Darjeeling Limited.
Any final tips for packing well?
Outfits! I plan outfits that I don't necessarily wear when I get there but at least it usually means I haven't forgotten anything.
I also try to pack a few days ahead so I can edit down. I love packing but get obsessed by it. I try to only bring things I feel good in.
x Musette x